Wolf Urine YardCover - 1 Pack
91577-1 PP
Wolves are solitary animals and they need a fairly large area as a hunting range. An individual wolf may claim a territory from 1 to 5 square miles. This wolf will continually patrols its territory looking for food like coyotes, foxes, bobcats, bear, mule deer, moose, elk and other mammals large and small, marking places with its urine as it has finished searching. The wolf’s urine not only tells other Wolves that this territory is not available, but it also serves as a survival warning to any prey animals that might be in the area. The genetic response of these animals to the scent of wolf urine is to flee the area. And if they respond quickly enough, they may even survive! When those wolf-prey like coyotes, foxes, bobcats, bear, mule deer, moose, elk and other mammals large and small become pests around your home, use PredatorPee® wolf urine flakes as the all-natural way to get rid of them by activating that very same genetic response. They will believe that a wolf nearby and they will be gone and stay gone! Wolf pee also makes a great feral cat deterrent.
PredatorPee® wolf Urine YardCover Shakin’ Flakes puts the fear-power of real wolf urine in a shakeable, spreadable form – each jar covers approx 200 sq ft. Try this yard deer repellent today!