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Skunk'Um MEGA - Encampment Eliminator

Skunk'Um MEGA - Encampment Eliminator


Skunk'Um MEGA is an effective, easy-to-use, natural and common sense tool that works to discourage or eliminate encampments. Includes 8 oz of pure skunk essence and a 1/2 gallon mixing container with sprayer. Perfect for treating large areas. For over 20 years, our Skunk'Um pure skunk essence has allowed property owners to effectively imitate the presence of a herd of skunks in any area you to discourage people from congregating or in any area that needs to encourage uninvited people to leave. It's simple. Everyone recognizes the very unpleasant odor of a skunk and no one wants to hangout, camp, squat or even trespass in a area that smells like a bunch of skunks live there. So, why not just Skunk'Um and be done with it!