Peter Rabbit and the Easter Bunny get pretty good press, but their back-street and back-woods relatives are a whole different story. Rabbit damage to newly planted trees and shrubs may be a serious problem. Cottontail rabbits, hares and jackrabbits cause considerable damage to trees and shrubs by nipping off stems, buds and small branches and by stripping the bark off larger trees. They are particularly fond of Apple, Plum, Cherry, Pine, Maple, and Bald Cypress trees. But that’s not all. For dessert, rabbits have discovered that wires on many newer cars are insulated with coatings made from soy, rice husks, wood, peanut oil, corn and other sugars. When these coatings get warm, they give off a faint vanilla smell – yum!
So, what can you do? You certainly don’t want go around dispatching bunnies. You just want them to go away and stay away. In the wild, a rabbit will stay away from anyplace where it thinks a predator might be lurking. They can tell if it is safe by whether or not they can smell the urine of a predator like a coyote, fox or bobcat.
In 1986 we originated the use of predator urine to scare away for pest animals like rabbits. Try this all-natural rabbit repellent today!
RabbitScentry from PredatorPee® takes the natural power of real Predator Urine and enhances it with an extra measure of the precise, naturally-occurring organic compounds found in predator urine that triggers the maximum genetic fear response in rabbits to keep them away from your yard, garden and car!. Our rabbit deterrent is like predator urine on steroids!