Coyote Urine Wolf Urine Bobcat Urine Fox Urine Mt.Lion Urine Bear Urine Raccoon Urine
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
Pick Your Pee Pick Your Pest
Protects the attic OR basement of a 1200 sq ft house from critters like, mice, rats, squirrels, raccoons and their chewing, scratching relatives. Contains 3 – 8packs of our super -convenient “Pee-Loaded” PeeShots that will protect the attic OR basement of a 1200 sq. ft. house. (Buy 2 Atiic/Basement Pak specials to do both) Remove the lids and place the PeeShots every 10ft around the perimeter of the foundation or under the attic eaves – particularly near common entry points like openings for wires, pipes and vents. The odor dissipates quickly beyond the range of the human nose, but is detectable by critters for a month or more giving them plenty of time to set up house-keeping somewhere else! Use BobcatPeeShots for mice, CoyotePeeShots for rats and 'coons, FoxPeeShots for squirrels. Choose your "flavor" at checkout. Save $20 over single pack prices!