Maine Outdoor Solutions - Unique and Useful Products From Maine

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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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 Pick Your PredatorPee® Product
Just the Right Solutions to Repel, Deter, Scare, Get Rid Of & Stop Animal Pests

PredatorPee® Products put nature’s instinctive repellent reactions to work for you. Each PredatorPee® product is matched to the specific pest you are dealing with based upon the normal predator/prey relationships that play out in the wild. For example, if a coyote preys on a deer in the wild, 
deer will be particularly attuned to the scent of coyote urine to alert it to the possible presence of this deadly predator. PredatorPee® puts this natural reaction to work for you. By establishing a “pee-rimeter” using PredatorPee® animal urine repellents, you are creating the illusion that a predator is nearby, and the flight instinct to flee danger is triggered in the prey animals are doing damage to your yard, garden, home, vehicle etc. PredatorPee® products come in various packaging and combination options – all designed to provide just the right natural animal repellent to get rid of your unwanted visitors.


And We Have Pee Every Way You Need it - Small Bottle, Big Bottles, Really Big Bottles, Shakin' Flakes and PeeShots for Indoors, Too!
Plus, products for Hawks, Geese & Snakes!

Want to wander around the PredatorPee® world? Follow the links below:


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PredatorPee® Brand Products From Maine Outdoor Solutions, LLC
2706 Union St. Hermon, Maine 04401 - 207-478-6426