Coyote Urine - Wolf Urine - Fox Urine - Bobcat Urine - Mt . Lion Urine - Skunk'Um- Fisher Urine - Bear Urine
100% Predator Urine
Shipping to USA & Canada & Mexico on ALL Products
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Original PredatorPee
Since 1986
All-Natural - No chemicals - There's Nothing More Organic than Wild Urine!

Protect RV's, Boats, Cars etc from Chewing Rodents
with "Pee-Loaded" PeeShots

PeeShots! for indoor pest problems
Remove the top and you are good to go! Great for attics, garages & cellars

PredatorPee Scares the Pee out of Mice & Rats
THIS YEAR'S TOP YARD, HOME, VEHICLE & GARDEN PESTS - Create a "Pee-rimeter" with PredatorPee!

Mouse Invasion? Bobcat Pee is for you!

Raccoons Coyote Urine is what you need
Cat Problems? Get Wolf Pee!

Coyotes in Your Yard?
Wolf Pee is the one!
Coyote Pee is for you

Fisher Pee is the only one

eating your shrubs & garden?
Coyote Pee is for you

Geese & Bird Problems?

NEW! PeeCoy is
the answer!

bothering You?

Dogs fear Bear Pee

How to Use ? PredatorPee & How Much You'll Need?

Fox Pee is for you

Fox Urine is the one

Wild Boar- Javelina?
Mt.Lion Pee

People& Pets: The all natural way to stop unwanted loitering

Original Predator Urine -Since 1986 - Why PredatorPee? If you are a first time visitor, you might wonder as to why anyone would buy or sell urine from Coyotes, Foxes, Bobcats, Mountain Lions, Fishercats, Bears and Wolves. . In the wild, the relationship between predator and prey defines the daily routine of virtually every animal alive whether it is in your backyard or the deepest wilderness. The predator marks its territory with urine and stalks its prey. Members of like species recognize the urine scent triggering instictive behavior related to territorial dominance... Prey like deer, mice, squirrels etc. react to the marking scent of their predators by seeking to avoid those predators at all costs. It is the law of the wild. In this life and death game of hide and seek, the scent of urine is often the only warning a prey has that a predator is nearby. PredatorPee puts that instinct to work for you in your yard, home and garden. .
3 0 D
ay Money Back Guarantee*

Want Personal Pee-Choice Advise?
Ask the PeeMan
(He tries to answer fast!)

Attic or

Everything to keep critters out of your attic or basement.
YardPak Everything You Need To Protect a 1/4 acre Yard

Protection from wire & upholstery-chewing critters.

Everything you need to protect whole house inside and out -

stop your lawn from being dug up.

CoyotePee 100% Coyote Urine Coyotes prey on Deer, Raccoon, Rats, Fox, Groundhog,& Woodchuck, Iguana, Armadillos, Pet Training for medium-size Dogs

WolfPee 100% Wolf Urine Wolves prey on CATS, Coyote, Moose, Bear, Elk & Mule Deer Pet Training for Large Dogs-

BobcatPee 100% Bobcat Urine Bobcats prey on Mice, Moles, Voles & other Rodents - Pet Training: Kittens & Cats -


100% Fox Urine
Rabbits, Squirrels, Skunks, Chipmunks & Varmints
Muscovy Ducks, Training: Puppies & Small Dogs

100% Mountain Lion Urine
Mt.Lions prey on
Armadillos, Javelinas & Wild Boar,
Pet Training: Tom Cats


Your Pest Not On the List? - Ask the PeeMan


How to Use PredatorPee & How Much You'll Need?

There is nothing that Dogs fear more than Bear - Put Bear Urine to work for you!

The Porcupine's only natural predator is the Fisher Cat. Get Fisher Urine for your porcupine problem.


People Problems?
NEW! SkunkUm For Loitering People and Dogs! The all natural way to stop unwanted loitering.

Click Here to read our mail!

Dispensers & Applicators

Create an Impenetrable "PEE-rimeter" with ScentWrap, ScentTags or 33 Day Dispensers

We have put together a Sampler of 2 oz bottles of all 7 PredatorPee flavors AND 12 ScentTag Dispensers for just $
More Sampler Info

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Whether you spell it repellant or repellent, Predator Pee is the first choice for all natural organic pest control. Find the solution to mice, rat, rodent problems inside and out. Deer, rabbits, raccoons, ground hogs, porcupines, squirrels? Our wild animal urine is the answer. It is time to stop relying on chemical repellents, and go with all natural solutions that repel nature's way. Coyote, elk, beaver, wild pigs, javelina and even armadillos, there is the right predator urine for your problem. Create a "pee-rimeter" that is like a liquid fence around your yard, garden, plants, vegetables and shrubs with Coyote Urine, Fox Urine, Bobcat Urine, Mt Lion Urine, Wolf Urine, Fisher Urine, and Bear Urine. Predator Pee is guaranteed to keep all wild critters like deer off your yard and garden without resorting to harsh chemicals, hot wax or any other toxic formulations that critters figure out quickly. The genetic fear of the predator works every time!

Click Here for more PredatorPee TestimonialsCoyotePee - the Solution for RATS in Cars in Washington D.C.!
How do we collect the stuff?
The Real Truth and the "Unreal" Truth!

Now Available in Squeeze Bottles. No Mess Granules & Spray Bottles & New Pee-Loaded PeeShots!

We have the solutions!
Problems with Deer
, Coyotes, Cats , Dogs, Fox, Rabbits, Gophers, Mice,Tree Rats, Raccoons, Squirrels, Armadillos, Wild Pigs - other crittters?
Dog & Cat Training?

Don't Forget the Dispensers! ScentTags, 33Day Dispensers Use with any PredatorPee Liquid - Pick Your Pee:
Pee FoxPee BobcatPee WolfPee
Car-RV-BoatPak Protection from wire & upholstery-chewing critters.
Save $ With PredatorPee SuperSaver PrePaks


PredatorPee Questions? Ask The PeeMan


New! "Pee-Loaded " PeeShots!
Remove the top and you are good to go! Great for attics, garages & cellars!

Want Personal Pee-Choice Advise?
Ask the PeeMan
(He tries to answer fast!)

Questions about PredatorPee?

Contact Us by Email: We Respond Quickly to All Emails
Maine Outdoor Solutions 2706 Union St., Hermon, Maine 04401
Call: 207-478-6426
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Looking for Pure, Natural Fox Scent?
Your hunt is over!
- 100% Fox Urine

Here's what our customers have to say about PredatorPee:
"I found a website advertising predator urine -- -- and it seemed logical so I ordered a bottle of coyote urine.
South Miami, Florida
(As reported in the Miami Herald)
Click Here for more PredatorPee Testimonials

I’m happy to report that I haven’t seen any critter damage in over eight months."
John Shaw, Shaw Nursery and Landscape