Coyote Urine Wolf Urine Bobcat Urine Fox Urine Mt.Lion Urine Bear Urine Raccoon Urine
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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Real PredatorPee® Mt. Lion Urine communicates pure fear as it creates the realistic impression that Mt. Lions are in the immediate area. For armadillos, javelinas, wild boar, and wild pigs, this spells trouble. These prey react instinctively to the perceived presence of this fierce predator. Cougar urine is an all natural armadillos, javelinas, wild boar, and wild pig repellent, safe to use around pets and has no chemicals. Cougar pee is an extremely effective territorial deception scent that creates the illusion that these animals' most dangerous predator is ready to strike. If you live in the south or west and you're searching for a natural javelina, wild boar, wild pig, or armadillo deterrent, browse mountain lion urine for sale below.
“When someone asks what do you use Mt.Lion urine for, I give them a little nature lesson about how animals behave in the wild and what people observed and learned from how animals interact with one another to survive. For example, wild pigs, boar, javelina and armadillos are a source of food for a Mt.Lion and wild pigs, boar, javelina and armadillos know it. In order to survive, wild pigs, boar javelina and armadillos need to be able to detect the presence of a Mt.Lion in time to escape. wild pigs, boar javelina and armadillos have a very well-developed sense of smell and if the scent of a Mt.Lion is present, wild pigs, boar javelina and armadillos will go far from that area and not return. Because Mt.Lions pee wherever they go, to wild pigs, boar, javelina and armadillos, the scent of a Mt.Lion’s urine is the truest indicator that a Mt.Lion is nearby. Nearly 40 years ago, we here at PredatorPee® recognized this natural interaction and used our observations to pioneer the use of Mt.LionPee as a means to imitate the presence of a Mt.Lion in order to convince wild pigs, boar, javelina and armadillos that your farm or yard is no place for them to be. You can't think of Mt.Lion urine as a wild pig, boar, javelina and armadillo repellent. It's not, but it's so much more. It’s really pretty simple, PredatorPee® Mt.Lion Urine creates the illusion that a Mt.Lion is nearby, and nature does the rest.” The PeeMan 2025
In nature, animals communicate in very basic ways using the tools they were created with. No devices, no technology, but they do have the incredible communication power of urine! "Pee-Mail" is the social media of the wild. It is the distinctive aroma variations of urine that can help an animal find a mate and warn of the presence of a predator.
According to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, "An animal’s sense of smell is much more developed than a human’s. Prey animals can detect an approaching predator from a great distance."
For example, when the javelina, wild boar, or wild pigs that are plaguing your yard or farm catch a whiff of PredatorPee® Mt.LionPee, you can be assured that not only, is this "PeeMail" open and in the javelina, wild boar, or wild pig's in-box, the javelina, wild boar, or wild pig is also absolutely sure who the sender is. Javelina, wild boar, or wild pigs genetically know that a Mt.Lion is their most feared predator, even if they have never seen one, and that the presence of a Mt.Lion is very bad news.
Scientists have isolated the fear-generating compound that, one of a class of urinary proteins that is secreted by wolves and a variety of other predators and found in Mt.Lion urine isknown as MUPS, for major urinary proteins.
Chemical javelina, wild boar, or wild pig repellents and deterrents do not employ MUPS, but rather, involve the use of manufactured smells that are unpleasant to the target animals. But, bad-smelling chemical repellents and deterrents don't even come close to replicating the fear-to-the-bone visceral response that nature causes all by itself with the pure, natural power of predator urine. When javelina, wild boar, or wild pigs smell the urine of a Mt.Lion, they know that they need to move away fast or they may not survive.
Animals don't care as much about understanding MUPS as the scientists do. They already know everything they need to know about the scent of a predator's urine. They know the scent of a predator's urine is the simple basic, natural and reliable way that they know a dangerous predator is nearby. You can put all that to work for you in dealing with your javelina, wild boar, or wild pig problems with PredatorPee® Mt.LionPee
When a javelina, wild boar, or wild pig gets a "Pee-Mail" message from PredatorPee® Mt.LionPee, they know it's time to sign out and move!
“This is my second order of your Mt. Lion urine, count me as a loyal customer!”
Mary – Tucson, AZ
“The Mt. Lion urine works extremely well on armadillos tearing up my yard. Thank you!!!!”
Carol – Lakeway, TX