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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
Pick Your Pee   Pick Your Pest

An easy to access dry, warm place can be under the hood of your car. We hear from our customers about this problem all the time and we are trying to get the word out . . . 100% PredatorPee PeeShots are the convenient, effective answer to the annoying problem of rodents chewing car wires. On of our customers emailed the following suggestion – “Someone should tell the NPR ‘Car talk” guys about this, they are always getting calls about cars damaged from rodents, or rodents dying in cars……Christina” Also, in case you doubt how much of a problem this can be, I found the article below on the website of Sweeney’s Garage – Rodent Damage = Expensive Repair Cold this winter? You’re not the only one! You might be surprised to learn that during these winter months you may have some furry little visitors living under your hood. The warm dark recesses of your car’s engine compartment is an ideal nesting area for rodents. Mice can and will chew through the wiring under your hood leaving you with an expensive repair bill. One customer complained of a check engine light and a rough running engine. Upon investigation we found a mouse had chewed through the wiring for his fuel injectors. Another mouse got into a blower motor where he expired. Every time the heater fan was turned on, it made a loud vibration noise. Some signs you might want to look for under your hood include deposits of bird seed, nests made of string, twigs, insulation, fabric and what looks like dryer lint, or funny noises when you turn on your heater. Our PeeShots are perfect for this application. They come in an 8 pack and are “Pee-Loaded” with 100% Original PredatorPee. Remove the lids and place the PeeShots near each tire and in engine compartment or other target areas in the vehicle. Remove before driving. Choose BobcatPeeShots for mice, CoyotePeeShots for rats and ‘coons, FoxPeeShots for squirrels, and WolfPeeShots for domestic and feral cats. Help us get the word out – call Click and Clack – tell your friends, tell your neighbors – don’t let this happen to them or you. That reminds me, I should go stick some in the Scout, the boat and the tractor since I startled a fieldmouse a couple of months ago who had made a home in my headlight!