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How To Keep Squirrels Out Of Bird Feeder

How To Keep Squirrels Out Of Your Bird Feeder



Not sure how to keep squirrels out of bird feeders? The PeeMan has the solution! I know that some people like to see squirrels in their bird feeders, but the PeeMan isn’t one of them!
He has been testing the new PredatorPee® SquirrelScentry system around the
farm this winter and is very pleased with the results – especially with the heavy snow pack this year.

As the PeeMan writes this in mid-March, there is still well over 2 feet of snow on the ground in this part of Maine.
And that means the squirrels can’t yet get to bare ground to feed – and they are HUNGRY!

So to keep squirrels out of the bird feeder, you have to create enough fear
in the squirrels to make them forgo the easy pickings of your bird feeder and go somewhere else.


The new PredatorPee® SquirrelScentry Kit does just that! It combines one life-like PeeCoy Coyote Decoy
and 12 ounces of our PredatorPee® SquirrelStopper blend of fox and coyote urine. Foxes and coyotes are
the primary predators of squirrels and they are most feared by red and gray squirrels alike.
The PredatorPee® SquirrelScentry Kit combines of the scary, visual impact of a very real-looking PeeCoy decoy
and the smell of the PredatorPee® SquirrelStopper predator urine blend. Both are natural squirrel repellents. Squirrels see and smell big-time danger and are long gone! Try this natural squirrel deterrent today! Also try the FeederScentry squirrel deterrent for bird feeders.