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Protect Your Chickens From Hawk Attack with HawkStopper -
Nearly Invisible to Humans, But What the Hawk Sees, Stops Them Cold!
Hawks Never Even Touch the HawkStopper Net – They Just See The Net and Stay Away!
This Bird Netting for Chicken Protection is Not a Physical Barrier, but Extreme Visual Deflection At Work!
Hawks see 8 times better than humans, so to a hawk, HawkStopper chicken coop hawk netting looks 8 times thicker, 8 times stronger and can be seen from
8 times farther away! Learn more about how to protect free range chickens with chicken nets below.
New - Improved - Tangle-free Monofilament
For More Photos and Complete Set-Up instructions - Click Here!
1500 Square Feet of Hawk Protection For Less than $100! - FREE SHIPPING* too!
Hawk Stopper uses the hawk's incredible eyesight to make an easy-to-handle,
inexpensive, lightweight 1500 square foot mesh look like formidable and impenetrable visual barrier.
The illustration below compares how the Hawk Stopper Net looks to us vs. how it looks to a hawk.
What we see as almost invisible looks to hawk like jail cell door! This makes for the ultimate hawk deterrent for chickens.
The Hawk stopper was easy to install and has done the job in protecting our chickens! Thank you for providing a great product, well worth the investment. - The Winery at Wolf Creek
5 out of 5 Star Rating
Amazon Customer Snowkitty
November 15, 2017
"Kummer Homestead YouTube video singing hawk net praises. Let’s hope it keeps
those hungry flying critters away from my chickens." Marion P"Easy to put up and works great! Our 11 chickens are safe and healthy. I highly recommend"
If you keep chickens, you know that they are vulnerable to predators and protecting them comes with the territory. One of the most efficient chicken predators is the hawk. The hawk can target your chickens from high above, then dive in for the kill at nearly 150 miles and hour. Our HawkStopper Visual Deflection Netting turns the tables on hawks by using one of their most important capabilities against them. The hawk's incredible eyesight makes them extremely effective hunters being able to identify and dive on a prey like chickens before the chicken even knows it is in danger. HawkStopper Visual Deflection Netting takes the hawk's keen eyesight and uses it against them to protect your chickens. HawkStopper Visual Deflection Netting is a fine monofilament netting that can be used to cover coops, pens and runs that is virtually invisible to us, but looks like an impenetrable barrier to hawks! Protect your chickens from overhead hawk attack with HawkStopper Visual Deflection Netting. Available in sizes from 500 sq ft to 1500 sq ft.