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Foggy Mountain Go-Pup-Go 30 Day Puppy Training Kit

Foggy Mountain Go-Pup-Go 30 Day Puppy Training Kit

86111 FM

Here at Foggy Mountain®, we love puppies - but sometimes housebreaking needs some help! In the animal world, urine is the great communicator. It not only warns prey of the presence of a predator, but also communicates territorial boundaries to members of like species. Dogs react instinctively to the scent of canine urine and this is how you can use the specialized formula in Foggy Mountain® Go Pup Go puppy potty training spray to train puppies to "go" where you want. Squirt a little Go Pup Go dog potty training attractant spray on one of the included puppy pads and place it where you want your dog's restroom to be. Your puppy will be drawn to the puppy training pads scented by the urine blend and will want to mark this spot themselves. Dispose of the pad when saturated and put out a fresh one. This pack includes 16 oz of urine puppy attractant spray and enough puppy pads for 30 days! Make puppy potty training easy with Go Pup Go dog potty training spray!