Coyote Urine Wolf Urine Bobcat Urine Fox Urine Mt.Lion Urine Bear Urine Raccoon Urine
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
Pick Your Pee Pick Your Pest
ProCover is the ultimate human scent camo. Originally developed by Master Guide Wayne A. Bosowicz for the exclusive use of his clients, he eventually brought it to market in the 80’s and its effectiveness has never been duplicated. With Pro Cover you will not get winded. Period. This hunting cover scent is bottled in an 8-oz. squeeze bottle for easy application. Browse all our hunting scent control products today!
"I'm writing this letter to let you know that I've been using a product of yours for a couple years now and I must say that I strongly believe in it. The product that I speak of is PRO COVER cover scent. I have had great success using it during deer seasons in the North & South Carolina area. I have had deer walk in on the trails that I used to get to and from my stands, and just the other morning I was in the woods hunting, I sat on the ground cause I had to be at work soon, I had only been there for a few minutes when I had a doe and a yearling come down the same trail I had walked in on, the doe walked within 10 yards of me and the yearling came so close that I thought it was going to trip over my feet, neither of them knew I was in this world. The only reason I could think of that they didn't wind me was because I had used my PRO COVER that morning. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate that someone has come out with a product that really works even better than they claim it to. . ."
Eddie K
Conover, NC