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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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For centuries, coyotes primarily roamed what is now the western United States. As civilization moved westward the wide-open wilderness was transformed by farms, ranches, highways, towns and cities. In the process, wolves that were a danger to livestock and people were gradually eliminated. Wolves, of course, were also the coyotes primary predator as well. Now with its primary predator gone, the coyote population started to explode.

And the coyote migration to Michigan began. Now the Michigan coyote population is a major problem in neighborhoods, parks, farms, cities, towns and suburbs. The coyote can be a dangerous animal and none of us want to experience a coyote encounter. So, what can we do about the coyote problems in Michigan?

The solution is actually found in the origin of the coyote population explosion. The elimination of the wolf caused the influx of coyotes and other wild animals in Michigan. Coyotes instinctively fear wolves. It is a fear deeply rooted in a coyote’s DNA. With no wolves around, coyotes thrived and could go anywhere they wanted without right here in Michigan.

However, even though there may be no wolves around, coyotes still fear them and that fear is triggered by the scent of a wolf’s urine. In the wild, a wolf marks its territory by its urine. The Michigan coyote population knows that a wolf’s territory is not a safe place to be.

For over 35 years, PredatorPee® has been providing pure, natural wolf urine for coyote problems in Michigan and just about everywhere else.

By applying PredatorPee® Wolf Urine, you create the illusion that a wolf is in the immediate area. As soon as a coyote catches a whiff of the wolf urine, the coyote leaves. No coyote wants to be around if it thinks a wolf is nearby. This is a purely genetic, instinctive reaction – it is the predator-prey instinct taking hold. PredatorPee® Wolf Urine: 100% Guaranteed – Free Shipping USA & Canada

Coyote ordinarily travel in packs consisting of a breeding pair and a couple of younger coyotes who remain in the area to help raise new pups. While they normally live in a pack, coyotes often travel alone or in pairs. Suburban or city coyotes typically have smaller ranges than their rural cousins. For example, in the Boston suburbs, the typical range was found to be approximately 7,400 acres. However, coyotes in the Chicago metro area had an average home range of only 1200 acres. City or suburbs, coyotes have lots of room to move around - they DON'T need your property! All you need to do is to encourage coyotes to move out into those other acres by convincing them it’s too dangerous to stay around your place.

Since 1986  PredatorPee® WolfPee Wolf Urine has been creating the illusion that the wolf -a coyote’s most fearsome predator- is close by. PredatorPee® WolfPee Wolf Urine stops coyotes by settiing off a coyote’s natural survival instinct. When a coyote smells PredatorPee® WolfPee Wolf Urine, all of its warning bells go off! Coyotes know that smell of wolf urine means that they have entered a wolf's turf - and that it is a very dangerous place to be. The coyote's survival instincts take over and they leave or avoid the area within the wolf’s territory. PredatorPee® WolfPee Wolf Urine – your all-natural solution to the coyote problem. Free Shipping Always to USA and Canada