Coyote Urine Wolf Urine Bobcat Urine Fox Urine Mt.Lion Urine Bear Urine Raccoon Urine
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
Pick Your Pee Pick Your Pest
Learn how to get rid of rodents with PredatorPee®! Real Bobcat Urine is the all-natural rodent repellent for mice and other small rodents like moles and voles. At certain times during the year mice are looking for a nesting place, warm shelter or an easy food source. Your home or other buildings are often their destination. If you want to keep mice out of your house, attic, basement, garage, shed etc., then PredatorPee bobcat urine for mice and moles is what you need. You can protect you home from mice by using 12 oz. or 16 oz. liquid or YardCover Shakin' Flake Granules for outside use and to create a "pee-rimeter" around your home. If you need to get rid of mice already inside, BobcatPeeShots are the perfect indoor rodent repellents to drive mice out of garages, sheds, attics, cars, RV's, boats and basements. Browse our natural mice deterrents below and buy bobcat urine for sale here today.
The Concept – How Much You Need – How to Use It
Fall Mouse Alert: It happens every year, though we never seem to remember until its too late. As the temperature cools, mice begin to look for warmer places. Like your attic, your basement, your RV, the engine compartment of your vintage car, your storage unit, your garage, your barn or your shed. Once they get comfortable, the mice start chewing, burrowing, digging and destroying anything and everything around them. A mouse may be small but mice damage can be huge, expensive and downright annoying.
We’re here to remind you that for nearly 40 years PredatorPee® BobcatPee Bobcat Urine has been providing a safe, natural and non-lethal alternative to chemical mice repellents to keep mice out and away all season long. PredatorPee® BobcatPee Bobcat Urine protects all the places in your life from the damage and destruction that mice can do by sending a message to mice that bobcat is nearby and your place is no place for them to be. Find your ideal natural rodent repellent today!
The incredible communication power of urine. Pee-Mail is the social media of the wild. It is the distinctive aroma variations of urine that can help an animal find a mate and warn of the presence of a predator.For example, according to The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California,
"Even if a mouse has never seen a cat before, he'll turn tail when one is nearby. Researchers suspected that the rodents somehow sniff out their would-be assassins, but exactly what they smelled was unclear. Now scientists have isolated the compound, one of a class of urinary proteins that are secreted by cats, snakes, and a variety of other predators. ...a class of proteins found in urine and other secretions known as MUPS, for major urinary proteins—elicited the same fear response as the whole predator scent in the mice."
The researchers dropped cotton balls laced with the urine of predators into the cage and "Mice cowered in the corner, as if a predator were present."
Animals don't care as much about understanding MUPS as the scientists do, they already know everything they need to know about the scent of a predator's urine. They know the scent of a predator's urine is the simple basic, natural way they know a dangerous predator is nearby.
When a mouse gets a "Pee-Mail" message from PredatorPee® BobcatPee, they know it's time to sign out and move!
"I've been using your products for mice and rats and am really happy with it. I tell everybody about it. In fact, I just rave about your product. Thank you so much!"
Linda – Northfolk, CA
“I have been ordering Bobcat Urine from you for so long...It works great for my purposes. The fewer mice my cats bring in, the happier I am.” Tamara “We ordered your product for our daughter and it did the trick for her. So here we are again ordering...I'm thinking we will be regular customers for some time.”
Michael - Stillman Valley, IL
"I have been using your products for 12 years now. I ran out. Bobcat pee totally takes care of the mice. My friends think Im nuts. I had an exterminator tell me about predator pee."
Kelley - Whittier, NC
“I have been buying from you for a few years..thanks!” Mouse – Forestville, CA “FOUND IT TO BE THE BEST STUFF AROUND...”
Paula - Philadelphia, PA
“When someone asks what do you use bobcat urine for, I give them a little nature lesson about how animals behave in the wild and what people observed and learned from how animals interact with one another to survive. For example, mice, moles, voles and other small rodents are a source of food to a bobcat and mice, moles, voles and other small rodents know it. In order to survive, mice, moles, voles and other small rodents need to be able to detect the presence of a bobcat in time to escape. Mice, moles, voles and other small rodents have a very well-developed sense of smell and if the scent of a bobcat is present, mice, moles, voles and other small rodents will go far from that area and not return. Because bobcats pee wherever they go, to mice, moles, voles and other small rodents, the scent of a bobcat’s urine is the truest indicator that a bobcat is nearby. Nearly 40 years ago, we here at PredatorPee® recognized this natural interaction and used our observations to pioneer the use of BobcatPee as a means to imitate the presence of a bobcat in order to convince mice, moles, voles and other small rodents that your house, garage, barn or yard is no place for them to be. Your can't think of bobcat urine as a mouse, mole, vole and other small rodent repellent. It's not, but it's so much more. It’s really pretty simple, PredatorPee® Bobcat Urine creates the illusion that a bobcat is nearby, and nature does the rest.” The PeeMan 2025