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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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Mouse Damage Alert: It‘s that time of year, although we seem to forget that it will happen. As it gets cooler, pesty mice look for warmer places to nest and breed. Places like your house, your attic, your barn, your car, your basement, your tent camper, your storage unit or your shed. Once mice get comfortable, they start burrowing, chewing, digging and destroying anything and anything in the immediate vicinity. A mouse may be a small animal but mice damage can be really big, expensive and downright annoying.

But remember, for 35 years PredatorPee® BobcatPee Bobcat Urine has been the safe, natural alternative to toxic mice repellents to keep mice away throughout the fall season and beyond. PredatorPee® Bobcat Pee mice repellent spray stops mice damage by using a mouse’s natural survival instincts. When a mouse thinks a bobcat is nearby, a mouse wants to get as far away as possible as fast as it can. Shop our bobcat urine for sale below.