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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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When it comes to everything involved in keeping bees, there’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning to find your hives trashed and your honey gone. BeehiveScentry from PredatorPee® puts the power of enhanced Predator Urine to work for you to keep bears and raccoons away from your hives. In the wild, it is the scent of urine that warns animals that a predator may be nearby and gives them a chance to get away. In 1986 we originated the use of predator urines as animal deterrents for farmers and homeowners. And now, not only have we identified the specific urine that causes the most fear in bears and raccoons, we have also been able to isolate the specific naturally-occurring organic compound in that urine that triggers the genetic fear response. PredatorPee® BeehiveScentry beehive protection against bears and raccoons is real predator urine enhanced and fortified with those fear compounds. It’s like predator urine on steroids! Try our raccoon and bear repellents today!


When you use PredatorPee® BeehiveScentry to create a “pee-rimeter” around your hives, you will protect your hives naturally by putting nature’s own natural warning system to work for you.

  • 2021-Predator-Urine-Beehive-Scentry-12-oz
    PredatorPeeŽ BeehiveScentry 12 ounce-1pak $35.00 PredatorPeeŽ BeehiveScentry 12 oz 2pak - Save $15 $55.00 PredatorPeeŽ BeehiveScentry 12 oz 4pak - Save $40 $100.00
  • 2021-Predator-Urine-Beehive-scentry-16oz-dispenser-combo
    PredatorPeeŽ BeehiveScentry 16 oz Combo-1pak $60.00 PredatorPeeŽ BeehiveScentry 16 oz Dispenser Combo - 2pak - Save $20 $100.00 PredatorPeeŽ BeehiveScentry 16 oz Dispenser Combo 4pak - Save $46 $190.00