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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
Pick Your Pee   Pick Your Pest

Predator Urine 12 oz Bottles

PredatorPee® in 12 ounce squeeze bottles is the perfect natural animal repellent for small area application. It is enough to treat 10 ScentTags or 10 33Day Dispensers (or a 100' Pee-rimeter) at least 2 to 4 times. Buy in multiples or in combination with ScentTags or 33Day Dispensers for BIG savings!  12 ounce bottled predator urine is available in all PredatorPee® "flavors" including Wolf urine, Fox urine, Coyote urine, Mt.Lion urine, Bobcat urine and Bear urine. Buy animal deterrents below!


The Concept – How Much You Need – How to Use It

* Quantity Pricing Available. Follow link for details.