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Foggy Mountain Hunting Scents and Lures


Originally developed by Master Guide and Outfitter, Wayne Bosowicz of Foggy Mountain Guide Service, Maine and Ontario, Foggy Mountain Hunting Scents and Lures has been offering the most complete selection of deer hunting scents, lures, and hunting cover scents for deer hunting as well as bear, moose, and elk hunters since 1981. We carry a variety of deer lures and scents, including doe urine for hunting. Bag your next trophy buck with our powerful hunting lures! 
NEW! Foggy Mountain Scents & Lures now available in BIG 4 & 8 ounce bottles.
Deer don't pee an ounce at a time, so why should you have to buy it that way?

* Quantity Pricing Available. Follow link for details.



 Maine Outdoor Solutions, LLC
2010 Hammond St., Hermon, Maine 04401 - 207-478-6426