Coyote Urine Wolf Urine Bobcat Urine Fox Urine Mt.Lion Urine Bear Urine Raccoon Urine
Pick Your Pee Pick Your Pest
When you hunt deer, nothing less than the Dominant Buck will do! In the wild, the big bucks fight it out for territorial dominance and compete for attention among the does. You are after the biggest, boldest buck and Foggy Mountain Dominator Buck-in-Rut scent will help draw him to you. The scent of Dominator deer urine for hunting tells him that another buck is moving in to his territory and he is driven to investigate. When he does, you are there and the hunt is over! Try this deer attractant today!
"I love your Dominator(Buck in a Bottle), but I have run out. This stuff is the best. I just shot a six point buck with it!"
Jeff H - Waterford, Maine