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YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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Coyote PeeCoy

Coyote PeeCoy

Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 5     6+  
Price $82.00 $77.00 $72.00
Use one PeeCoy for each 1/4 acre (100'x100') Save $15 when you buy 3! Save $60 or more when you buy 6 ore more! Free Shipping!

Geeese, turkeys, ducks and other birds depend on very keen eyesight to warn them of the presence of predators. Our PeeCoy Coyote Decoy Combo combines a realistic 2 sided Coyote Decoy with the realism enhancer of CoyotePee. The combination of both seeing and smelling a coyote will tell birds clearly that your yard is not a safe place to be and will act as a repellent for birds! The PeeCoy Combo combines one sturdy, life-size, easy-to-set-up2-sided Coyote Decoy, one 12 oz bottle of CoyotePee and one 12 pack of ScentTags. Save $10! A $90 value for only $80 - Save more when you buy multiples.

PEECOY, 91212, 83109
Geeese, turkeys, ducks and other birds depend on very keen eyesight to warn them of the presence of predators. Our PeeCoy Coyote Decoy for birds combines a realistic 2 sided Coyote Decoy with the realism enhancer of CoyotePee. The combination of both seeing and smelling a coyote will tell birds clearly that your yard is not a safe place to be! The PeeCoy Combo combines one sturdy, life-size, easy-to-set-up2-sided Coyote Decoy, one 12 oz bottle of CoyotePee and one 12 pack of ScentTags. Save $10! A $89.99 value for only $79.99 with Free Shipping, too! Try this wild bird deterrent today and keep birds away!